dimanche 10 mars 2013

What Is Cellulite And How Is It Caused

By Mary Kane

Many women are at some point in their lives concerned with having cellulite. The most common areas for it is the thighs, and the buttocks. It is possible to eliminate if you learn what causes cellulite. So knowledge is key when discovering how to reduce and eliminate cellulite.

What Is Cellulite?

Everyone knows what cellulite looks like....it is the cottage cheese look that is on your thigh and other parts of your body that seems very stubborn to move. But what is cellulite? The correct version in medical terms is adiposis oedematous, dermopanniculosis and gynoid lipodystrophy. Sounds confusing doesn't it. The simple fact is it is just fat. Although the fat is not the cause of the bumpy look, it is the globs of fat that are buried deep underneath the skin that pushes against the connective tissue. As the fat grows larger it takes up more area under the skin, which in turn puts a lot of pressure on the connective tissue. The fat pressing again the tissue causes the bumpy look that is so unattractive. The more pockets of fat there are, the more lumps and bumps there are, and it keeps expanding further out.

If you can imagine baking a tray of buns and as they begin to rise the overflow the top of the pan, and they keep expanding and getting larger. There is no where for those buns to go so they press up against each other and literally double in size. You are left with a nice tray of buns which oddly enough looks like the uneven texture of cellulite! This is the same result of the underlying fat pressing up against your skin...it causes the bumpy look we all hate.

When we are young, the connective tissue is more elastic, and remains smooth. Once you reach puberty, your hormones start to play a role in your skin making it less elastic and much stiffer. With age the outer layer of skin weakens making cellulite more pronounced. Regardless, you don't like cellulite and neither do I. Millions of dollars are spent each year trying to eliminate cellulite and it affects more than 85 percent of women whether you are overweight or thin.

Why Women Are Blessed With Cellulite-Why Men Aren't

A woman has much thinner skin than a man. The epidermis is a lot thicker in a male than a woman, so when a man has fat pressing again the underlying connective tissue, it is met with more resistance.

There is another basic reason which is that male and female skin is different. The female fat cells are arranged in rows, so when the fat gets bigger it pushes upwards against the skin. A male's fat cells are in a cross-crossed pattern. So the space inside each criss cross is a lot smaller and will not pop up in the same manner. If it does it tends to show up as a big blog of fat.

Wearing panties that are to tight will constrict the blood flow in your lower body, and this causes the development of cellulite to speed up. It isn't necessary to wear granny underwear but something a little loser or less constricting will generally help the cause.

What Is The Cause Of Cellulite?

There are a few causes for this kind of body fat. Being a woman is the main one, most men do not suffer from this. But there are a few common theories. Hormonal factors- the development of cellulite can be caused by fluctuating hormones. Estrogen, insulin, non-adrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin all play key roles. Genetics- if your mom or grandmother had it, chances are you will if you have common characteristics as them such as slow metabolism, poor circulation, and how your body fat is distributed underneath the skin. Diet- a poor diet will stress the skin, causing it to fail. A clean healthy diet with lots of complex carbohydrates, and lean protein with good fats will improve the quality of your skin. Lymph glands- our lymphatics drainage system's job is to remove excess fluids and waste from our tissues. When damage occurs to the lymphatic system waste product accumulate in the tissues and cellulite is the result.

Prevent Cellulite

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to begin reducing cellulite. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, along with lean protein and good fats will begin the process of removing toxins from your body. These toxins are stored in the fat cells, and they expands as more toxins are added. So a good diet is crucial. Having a glass of hot water with fresh lemon juice in it first thing in the morning will cleanse your liver. Plenty of water throughout the day will continue to flush toxins out of your body. Exercise is important as well, sweating removes toxins and helps keep our bodies toned. You really are what you eat, your diet account for 80% of how you look with exercise only accounting for 20 %.

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