mercredi 26 juin 2013

Evaluating Bee Pollen Energy Claims

By Lila Barry

Bee pollen energy claims are not accepted everywhere, although it is hard to see why not. Packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and food value, this product of the avian hive has been used since ancient times for nutritive and therapeutic reasons. It even has been used by Olympic athletes as part of their readiness programs. Both folk lore and practical experience validate the ancient belief in the goodness of this dense nutritional substance.

Scientific tests have confirmed that bee pollen is over a third protein, is rich in all the known B vitamins, and contains other vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes and complex carbohydrates. It is one of the most nutritious foods known to man. It is composed of pollen from many flowers that is collected by bees, mixed with saliva and nectar, and stored in the hive for food for the rapidly growing larvae.

In the perfect design of natural symbiosis, bees visit flower after flower, drinking nectar and catching the reproductive dust on the hairs of their legs. This DNA-carrying dust rubs off on other blossoms, completing the vital process of pollination. When the bee gets back to the hive, it will busily clean off the remaining dust and store it away as food for baby bees.

Beekeepers have a way of collecting bee pollen from hives without taking so much that it endangers the bees. Special collectors brush pollen off the bees as they enter the hive. Old-timers used to consume the 'dirty honey' at the bottom of the hive. Although it was not popular with customers who wanted a clear amber product, the thrifty beekeeper would use it for his own table. The debris in the honey was not bee waste but pollen, and the despised product was the most nutritious of all.

Individuals with a high need for B vitamins, living enzymes, and any of the many vitamins or minerals that bee pollen provides might notice a significant surge of energy or increased well-being after supplementing with this super food. Like eggs, it is designed to sustain rapidly changing young and therefore contains all nutrients needed for growth and development. Others may not notice such a difference but will still reap the rewards of adding nutrients that are hard to find elsewhere.

Stress of any kind, whether it is physical exertion, mental overload, or related to illness, can drain your body of vital nutrients. Most people do not eat the quality of food that replenishes this kind of adrenal exhaustion. A dense nutritional product like bee pollen can mean the difference between maintaining or restoring health and continuing to see your health decline.

You want to find a product that retains the whole range of food value. Just as heated and filtered honey will no longer sustain a bee, improperly processed bee pollen might have lost its food value. Some processing is necessary, but try to find a product that has been tested and shown to be still viable and pure.

There is a good case for believing that bee pollen energy is a fact, not a myth. If you are looking for an endurance enhancer or just want to feel your best, you should check out this super food. A good quality product can add a lot to your physical and mental performance and your health.

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