mercredi 17 avril 2013

What's A Proper Bodyweight? A West Hollywood Personal Trainer Explains

By Michael Petry

In spite of the health and fitness strategies that the government of California has implemented, it is still a regrettable reality that there are quite a lot of people who are not aware about the right weight or the ideal weight that one should have. Knowing these things is really important because this can help you know if you are healthy or not. So here is an explanation coming from a highly accredited West Hollywood personal trainer.

Body Mass Index

An easy way to determine if you are obese and overweight is by measuring your abdominal fat. This also helps to predict if you are at high risk for diseases that are associated with obesity. This is done by simply measuring your waist circumference with the use of a measuring tape. The result of your waist circumference is an indicator of your abdominal fats. As per the West Hollywood personal trainer, you could be at high risk with obesity related diseases if your waist measures more than 40 inches among men and more than 35 inches in women.

Body Mass Index

The most effective measurement in determining whether you are overweight or obese is by using the Body Mass Index, or commonly known as BMI. In order to get your BMI, you must first square your height in inches, meaning multiply it by itself. Let's say that your height is 63 inches. You'll have 3969.

* Underweight - a BMI with 18.4 and below

Here's what you should refer to after you determined your BMI.

* Overweight - a BMI with 25 to 29.9

* Normal - a BMI with 18.5 to 24.9

* Overweight - a BMI with 25 to 29.9

* Obese - a BMI that is 30 and above

An easy way to determine if you are obese and overweight is by measuring your abdominal fat. This also helps to predict if you are at high risk for diseases that are associated with obesity. This is done by simply measuring your waist circumference with the use of a measuring tape. The result of your waist circumference is an indicator of your abdominal fats. As per the West Hollywood personal trainer, you could be at high risk with obesity related diseases if your waist measures more than 40 inches among men and more than 35 inches in women.

Alternative Means

An alternate way to determine whether your weight is healthy or not is to measure your skin folds thickness. This measurement is done by means of anthropometry and is often taken around your triceps, on the hips, and on the shoulder blades.

You should make use of the abdominal fat measurement as well as your BMI score in determining your risk. Those people who are overweight but do not have a large waist measurement have much less risk factors and might just need to prevent weight gain rather than losing a few pounds. However, if you are overweight and has a larger abdominal measurement, then it is about time that you go to a West Hollywood personal trainer to begin losing weight.

Of all the three mentioned methods when it comes to figuring out whether your weight is healthy or not, the BMI method is highly preferred because it gives a more accurate representation of your total body fat. But in order to best determine if you're healthy or not, seek advice from your West Hollywood personal trainer who may also ask you to undergo a medical checkup.

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